It's been awhile yet again... Somehow I haven't been as verbally creative lately. Perhaps my muse has been hiding? Who knows.
I'm watching a football game right now. Of my own will. And it's not Kentucky. Mostly because I would REALLY like Tennessee to lose. I still think it's a little random... and yet I can't seem to stop...
It's snowing outside. Actually, I think right now it's more like sleeting. On top of the snow. I'm just glad I got some salt and a snow shovel this week. Actually, two snow shovels - a small one to leave in my car. One of things you buy hoping you'll never actually need it, but too scared not to buy it... When the poochie went outside earlier, I felt sorry for him... he was walking on top of the ice (on top of the snow), but half the time the layer of ice would break and he would sink way down, but half the time it wouldn't, so he was walking VERY funny. He wasn't too happy by the time he got back in the house... And he had a layer of ice on his back. Poor little guy :(
They just had a commercial for chick-fil-a... I miss that place. MMM!!! Waffle fries....
Yesterday, BWI-Lexington shut down forever; the doors closed for the final time. Sadness.
On a MUCH happier note, there is news afoot! For which I covet your prayers with all my heart....
But first, I'm going to show you some pretty awesome pictures:

The first is of my niece, Rosa and my sister-in-law, Amy. The second is Rosa's little brother, Carlos and my brother, Matt.
In my heart, they are family. However, the courts may take a little more persuasion to convince. Hence why I covet your prayers - I don't understand the whole process, and there are a lot of details I don't want to go into, but there are a lot of things that have to be worked out both legally and financially. Please, please pray that everything that happens is in the best interests of these beautiful children, so that they can come home soon! If you want more info, click on the link to Matt & Amy's blog on the right.
I cannot imagine what it must be like not to have a mommy and a daddy to love you and kiss your boo-boos and hold you when you're hurt or scared and to chase away the monsters under your bed. I thank God for the wonderful family I was given, and I pray that you would help us bring the newest members of my family home.
That's all.
(**slightly edited for accuracy**)
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