Wednesday, February 04, 2009

then later on, on the drive home

You know what's not a great way to start the week? (yes, I'm behind in my blogging again)
Spilling coffee on your sweater, first thing in the morning.
You know what's an even worse way to start the week?
Poking yourself in the boob for 5 minutes with a tide-to-go stick.

While we're on the subject of ways to start the week, some of the McDonald's up here (albeit not the convenient, on-the-way-to-work one) have "free latte Mondays" or something like that, where they give free 8 oz lattes on Monday to encourage people to try their new McCafé line. I've had the mocha before, which ain't no Starbucks, but isn't too bad for cheapish espresso. So on Monday I decided I was going to go for the free latte, and actually get a true latte this time for something different. Following is my review of the experience.

First of all, I didn't really think about how small an 8 oz cup would be. I felt like I was drinking espresso from a sippy cup. Which, other than reminding me of a Charlie Waffles song, was not too impressive. But how did it actually taste, you ask? My first impression: This is what it would taste like to drink Lucky Charms.

In a nutshell? If you like to drink coffee-tinted sugary children's cereal out of a baby bottle, you should definitely try it.

(I actually did like it, it was just... different.....)


Anonymous said...

In Ghana I drank something by Guinness that tasted like liquid Raisin Bran...

Anonymous said...

You are very right buffina. Those lattes are like candy. I don't think I could taste the coffee at all. I felt ripped off, even though it was free.