Sunday, July 22, 2007

Movin' on uuppppp.... to the.... west? side...........

Tuesday is the big day!
Sooooooo much to do......
Hope to see some of you few dear readers soon?!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

One of these days....

AH!!! I'm so excited!!

But so much to do before next week!

Like the Budget. So I'll get on that now.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Walk Like an Egyptian

Apparently I've become a Friday post-er. Or whatnot.
Crazy weekend to come...
I just found out Heidi is coming to visit tonight (Hi Heidi!). YAY! Girls' nights are fun :)
Tomorrow I will HOPEFULLY get the *other room* figured out and organized at some point.... although that may have to wait until Sunday or some such.
Tomorrow night... CHOIR PARTY!! WOOT! Partially for me, partly for the newest little Losch, who isn't very many weeks old. Good times :)
I need to go to WalMart at some point in the near future. I'm on my last roll of tp (I'm sure you wanted to know that), and thank you cards are a must at this point. And Ale8... LOTS of Ale8!!
Sunday is church, my last time to hear Pastor Steve preach :( At least for quite awhile. Sadness.
Hmm...... that's all I'm going to say now. Have a fabulous weekend!!!!!!
Loveness and all.

Friday, July 06, 2007

it's been a long, long day.....................
it's a good thing it's friday. i don't think i could make it through another day like this.

Wilmore City-wide Yard Sale! Woohoo! Maybe I can get rid of my table & chairs, once and for all?!
Nancy is a nice lady. She's giving me a lot of prospects. Which is a good thing, b/c I was about to lose it this morning.
Singing in church on Sunday with Orville, Bob, Charlie, and Kim. And my daddy on the piano :) YAY! Kim is already trying to find a way to get him on the piano bench permanently. hehe... my daddy is so cool sometimes.

Okay, that's all for today. Leaving work soon... with boxes! woot!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Tomatoes. And PJs. And Contracts. Oh my!

Today I learned: Me + Contracts = Not a good idea. At least not without help.

I did absolutely nothing of consequence over the 4th... I probably should've been more proactive and worked out plans to be with people, but... yeah, that didn't happen. I realized that yesterday was the first day in a very long time and mostly likely the last day for an even longer time that I could take the whole day to myself, and just relax and enjoy myself. So I did :) Rather than doing the bazillion things I should have been doing (and honestly felt quite guilty about), I had a me-day. I don't even think I changed out of my pajamas until around 6 or so? something like that. My leaving the house consisted of going out to check on my garden in the back yard. It was a good day :) I even took a short nap... So now it's back to double-time to get everything done. Woohoo.

So... we had a big storm last night. According to the news-guys, there were 60 mi/hr winds. Which I would believe, due to the trees I saw down on my way to work this morning and the fact that my power went out sometime in the middle of the night. When a storm is loud enough to wake ME up, you know it's bad... And I laid there in bed and watched my computer monitor blink off as everything went dark (I think I had left the bathroom light on, too). The poor little poochie was scared out of his mind :( He doesn't do well with thunder, especially thunder loud enough to reawaken John & Charlie.

I say all that to say... when I woke up this morning, and looked out the window after I stepped out of a not-so-quick shower, I saw the carnage that used to be my vegetable garden :( It was so sad-looking... I hurriedly dressed, and put on my nikes (even though they don't look so good with my black dress pants) and ran out to inspect. Now mind you, it was still raining at this point, so that was an adventure in and of itself. I was able to pick the tomato cages back up and stick them far enough back into the ground that they were upright again, but with as saturated as the ground was I'm not so sure they'll still be upright when I get home. My beans looked like they had been blown over by a hurricane, but I'm hoping they'll still be okay. I picked two this morning, my first real harvest from my garden. YAY!! :) There are several more which could probably be picked, but at that point I was sinking pretty far into the mud (still in my dress pants, still raining) so I decided to hold off until later. Hopefully everything will be okay with a little sun... I love my garden :)

Some exciting things are in the works... involving a 13-page fax I sent this morning. But if you want to know about that, you'll have to ask. I'm slightly scared out of my mind, but exhilerated at the same time.... So many changes, so fast, so little time. I realized this morning that this is my last monthly close here at work - bittersweet. But I'm moving on, hopefully to bigger and better things.