This is a little bit of me. I'll try to find a little time to write some things... Have a peachy day!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
back in the saddle again
It's been a long couple of weeks, with longish work days and not much time spent at home. Which, as you could expect if you know me at all, has manifested itself in the general clutteredness of the house. This morning I was sorting my laundry so I can take it to my parents' to wash tonight, as per usual on a Monday or Tuesday these days. I wanted to be at work early this morning, so I was running around quite early doing several things at once, gathering laundry, watching the weather, getting dressed, finding hangers, looking for clean socks. I got everything done, with enough time to spare for quick Starbucks run even (which turned out to be a good choice, because? FREE SAMPLES. Of coffee. French Roast, my favorite. Made my morning, anyway).
A few hours later, after a long department meeting, I had to make a quick LGR run. During which I discovered a good life lesson. Ready? Here goes: You should never sort your dirty clothes and get dressed at the same time, and NEVER before 6am. Because I'm pretty sure I wore this pair of underwear two days ago. Oops.
Miss me? :)
Friday, July 30, 2010
quick to change it up
I have officially joined the fray, if only temporarily. So if you're in the mood to read a little more of me, go here to the peanut gallery. I'll be back here as my normal ridiculous self next week.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
these streets will make you feel...

I'm sitting here, alone, on a bench by Buckingham Fountain, feeling all nostalgic and pensive. I just spent at least an hour at my favorite yarn store in the south loop (I think... I always had a hard time figuring out how all the loopy stuff works. Probably because I have yet to take the El). Then I walked a bunch and ended up here.
Over the past three years, I have loved venturing down into the city. I usually take the train, usually alone (there was that one time with Corella, which involved us getting a bit lost in a semi-scary neighborhood. But we survived...). I've always enjoyed making the trip by myself, for purely selfish reasons. I love to walk, and it's typically a much faster pace than most people appreciate. It's a great way for me to get some serious exercise once a month or so. Also, I like the fact that I don't have to have a set plan or itinerary, so I can walk around as I please and then, whenever I start getting too tired, I start walking back toward the metra station.
These trips, for me, have an almost healing quality, not unlike my hiking adventures in the hills back home. I get to be a part of something larger than myself, to be among a whole lot of people that I never once have to talk to (not to mention the people-watching!), and to enjoy the sights and sounds and flavor of the city. And then, whenever I get good and ready, I leave it all behind and go home.
When and if the time comes that I leave northern Illinois, one of the things I will miss most are these random day-trips. I know I would want to visit again, and I hope Future Me would make it a priority. The pulse of this city has gotten into me, and it will forever be at least a small part of who I am.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
you're never gonna get it
Okay, so I've never phoned it in before. We'll see how this works for me. I beg your forgiveness for any and all punctuation errors...
This has been a ridiculous week. The second in a row, truth be told. I'm trying to keep things together, which has actually worked out better than expected. I'm now playing the waiting game, which renders me more patientless than I would like to admit. I should work on that.
I frequently take pictures with my camera that are totally intended to make it onto this blog. My computer seems to have different ideas, however, and never wants to actually upload these photographical wonders. Alas, that usually means that whatever blog post I've invented in my head at the time never makes it into the blogosphere. I'm terrible for that.
I've read quite a bit this year. One of these days I'll get to that too, most likely. Until then, well, I'll keep hoping that life slows down a bit and my muse makes itself a bit more known. And until then, I'll be around. Somewhere.
Thursday, July 08, 2010
straight pimpin' my style
(and keep watching, you never know, I just might show up there someday myself)
Monday, June 28, 2010
sit right back and you'll hear a tale
Picture this:
Me. In the bathroom stall at work (okay, so don't actually picture this). Only one other person. Eerily quiet. Trying to keep any and all sounds to a minimum so as not to disturb whatever is going on over there.
I accidentally pop a really loud bubble with my gum.
I waited to leave until after they were done. I hope they knew that was gum……
Oh yeah, and then I broke the paper towel dispenser, and a huge stack of paper towels flooded the counter. True story.
This is exactly what you've waited 6 months for, isn't it?!